June 13, 2023

LGPA, building upon the initiative championed at the Cities of Kalamunda, Nedlands and Town of Mosman Park have developed a template for Local Government Planning supervisors which is designed to create and assist a systematic approach to skills development and measuring competency.

When a new urban planner, generally being a graduate planner is employed with little to no experience it is important to provide them with the opportunity to grow and expand their skills and competencies, whilst being trained, mentored, and coached by a more experienced planning officer.

The goal of this toolkit is to formalise a training and skills development and competency schedule to provide officers from both Strategic and Statutory Urban Planning the opportunity to develop skills by being part of and leading specific urban and regional planning projects and tasks.

Download Here

LGPA is a professional association comprising local government planners and related consultants, public servants and others, interested in the promotion of sound local planning.
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